For Immediate Release
Posted: August 30, 2019


Troop C

DUI Saturation Patrol - Greater Keene & Claremont areas

In a continuing effort to combat the more than 10,000 deaths caused by DUI related crashes each year nationwide, New Hampshire State Police Colonel Christopher Wagner and Lt. Michael Kokoski, Commander of Troop C, announce that on Friday, August 30, 2019 from 9:00 PM to 3:00 AM, Troopers conducted a DUI Saturation Patrol sponsored and funded by the New Hampshire Office of Highway Safety (OHS). The goal of the NH OHS is to reduce motor vehicle crashes and the resulting deaths, injuries and property damage.

The patrol was conducted in the greater Claremont and Keene areas in partnership with the city's respective police departments. During the patrol Troopers focused on apprehending impaired drivers, however all aspects of highway and public safety were addressed.

As a result, Troopers made a total of 99 motor vehicle stops for violations including Speed, Reckless Operation, Hands-Free law and Marked Lane Violations. Additionally, the following arrests were made:

  • Isaiah Taylor
    Age: 22
    of Troy, NH
    charged with Driving after Suspension

  • Melinda Ferrot
    Age: 42
    of Thetford, VT
    charged with Driving after Suspension

  • Richard Chayer
    Age: 79
    of Spofford, NH
    charged with DWI

  • Nicholas Crowley
    Age: 21
    of Beverly, MA
    charged with DWI

  • Raquel Rodriguez
    Age: 27
    of Stratford, CT
    charged with Driving after Suspension

The New Hampshire State Police are dedicated to keeping our roadways and communities safe; and would like to thank those who assisted in this endeavor by driving responsibly.