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Instructions for Completing Questionnaire Save the questionnaire to your drive. File, Save As, Select a drive and folder or create a folder in which to save the questionnaire. Save and save ofte
The J-One program is a criminal justice information exchange project run by the NH State Police. The J-One program supports an electronic network and computing environment established for the NH
Never doubt that a group of thoughtful, committed individuals could change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. And never doubt that a small group of people can make the world a mo
If you typed the page address in the address bar, make sure that it is spelled correctly. You can use the navigation bar on the left to go to another section of Division of State Police. Start
Located within the Investigative Services Bureau, the Major Crime Unit was created out of the necessity for highly trained, task-specific investigators assigned to handle the most egregious and sensit
The primary function of the bureau is the provision of motor vehicle enforcement and criminal deterrence patrol. In communities that do not have their own police departments, troopers provide the whol
Justice Information Bureau 33 Hazen Drive Concord, NH 03305 Phone: (603) 223-8719 Fax: (603) 271-6214 Headquarters Communications Permits, Licensing Unit & Gun Line (NICS) - (603) 223-